Saturday, December 17, 2011

Its never easy to say goodbye...

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and today were some of the hardest days I've had to face thus far. Saying goodbye to two of my sweet mommy friends, Heather and Tara on Tuesday, saying goodbye to our youth kids and Eagle Heights Church family Wednesday, to my parents yesterday and Kyle's parents and sister today. In all my excitement to move, I never thought leaving so many people I love would be so hard. I am very thankful however for the sweet people God placed in our family's life while we were in Stillwater. I am thankful for my friends Alissa B,Jen K, Kaylyn, Kaci, Carissa, for our church family at Eagle Heights, our youth kids, for my mommy friends, and everyone else I'm forgetting. You all impacted mine and my family's life and we will never forget you all.

1 comment:

  1. :'(

    don't worry, least i'll get to see you again during graduation! miss you though!

    alissa b
