Saturday, December 1, 2012


This time a month ago, I was impatiently awaiting the arrival of our little girl. Enduring braxton hicks contractions, knowing that my body was already preparing for her arrival...not understanding why she hadnt made her appearance yet. My midwives and nurses were astounded at the fact that I had not delivered. On Halloween, when asking a nurse whether or not I should have our families make the drive to Fort Worth that night she responded "Do you want them there for the delivery? If so, you should tell them to come right away." Its hard to believe that in just 5 days, our little one will be a month old.
Saying that our life has changed would be an understatement, but its true. There is nothing now that is anything like it was before. Our relationships have changed, our daily activities have changed, our dinner times, our social lives, everything has changed. Kyle and I dont have near the time together that we had before Milly was born, and even then it was limited. We dont have near the time to spend with Bennett as our attention is always divided. We are exhausted. Its a challenge to cook dinner, to clean house, to take showers...its a challenge to find time to eat (for me), a challenge to remember to brush my teeth, to shave my legs..and its worth every bit of a challenge, every bit of change, and every amount of time it takes to raise two children. The joy in our lives has doubled, the love we get to share has doubled, the excitement of being able to see our children grow and change and develop has doubled. There is nothing in the world like being a parent.
To talk a bit about Milly, she was born on November 6th at 12:37pm. She was 8 pounds and 20 inches long. I was scheduled for induction that morning, but I am convinced that I was already in the early stages of labor as we went in to the hospital. Upon arriving and getting checked in, filling out paperwork and discussing medical history with the nurse I had dialated to a 4. We discussed my options, whether or not I wanted to be given pitocin or have my water broke. We decided we wanted to break my water and see how my body responded. At 9 am, my midwife came in and broke my water. I had been having contractions (that didnt hurt) up to this point, but once my water was broken, they started coming really quickly and were really intense. At 9:30 am, they were so bad that I asked for my epidural. Some time around 10:30, I was checked again and delighted to find that I had progressed to an 8. My nurse told me to make sure and call them if at any time I felt like I needed to push. Not long after she left, I began to feel more pressure, but didnt want to call them back in to early. A little before noon, I called my nurses in, was checked and told that it was time to push. By this time, Milly was already crowning. I think the nurses were nervous they were going to have to deliver her because one of them pulled out her cell to call the midwife about the time she walked in. I pushed for about 30 minutes and Milly was born at 12:37.

We only spent one night in the hospital, and came home Wednesday evening around 5:00 pm. Kyle was home with me for almost a week and a half after that.
Since Milly's birth, it has definitely been an experience learning how to manange a household with another child, but its been awesome. I never knew that mommies were capapble of loving so much, but I love my babies more than anything in the world. I cant wait to see what the next 18 years have to hold.
I attemped to have a photo shoot with Milly this afternoon since we didnt have newborn pictures done. Here is one of the cute ones I happened to get.