Thursday, October 4, 2012

What a Week!

This past week has been full of surprises, disappointments, accomplishments and fun memories. I am continually blown away by how quickly life can change, how abruptly a good day can turn into a bad one and a bad one into a good one. I am amazed at God's grace towards me when I actually realize how much I do not deserve it. I find myself concerned at how easily I can become disappointed and how slow I am to forgive. Im blessed to share fun memories with family and friends, and to have people around us that love us.

Kyle and I have been struggling a bit. We are still learning to juggle being married, having a child, school, work, and social activities. Even with all the great advice given to us before and after getting married, its still hard to remember to put each other 2nd (after our relationship with Christ.) We both struggle to remember each other's love language, to love each other in the way we need to be loved. I struggle with putting Bennett before Kyle; Kyle struggles with putting school or work before me. We need your prayers. Being a parent/full time employee/part time student is hard. We know that God is in control of our situation, that He is in control of our circumstances and we trust Him and His plan. But, we are working on our part of the deal: working to show each other love each and ever day, working to carve out time for each other and working to put each other 2nd.

Bennett is growing up so fast! He has made strides in learning language, he picks up on verbal and social cues, he excels at learning small and large motor skills for his age, he practically runs everywhere he goes, and he is growing into such a precious little boy. He makes my heart smile, he lights up my day and he is his mommy's world. This little boy has made life so different, and Im loving every minute!

My 34 week appointment was last week, and I was disappointed to find that the midwives dont routinely check for progress towards labor starting at 35 weeks. They dont check you until 39 weeks! My midwife did say though that they would check if I wanted them to, so next week Ill be checked to see if Miss Milly is getting ready to make her big debut! Im nervous/excited/emotional/scared and all kinds of other emotions at once just thinking about her coming into the world. The idea of having another baby seems so great and magical until you get this close and then it becomes scary. I remember how hard it was with Bennett to go through those couple months of sleepless nights and evenings where he would cry for two hours straight. (How am I going to do this with a toddler to care for too?) Im praying for the Lord's guidance and strength for the next few months to come.

We're gearing up for a fun month of Fall activities before Amelia arrives! Yesterday we took the boys I tutor to the Holocaust Museum in Dallas, tomorrow we are going to a Hay Ride and Pumpkin Patch, next week we have planned to go to the Dallas Arbortoreum, the next week Bennett gets to trick-or-treat at a nursing home and again at the zoo and in between we are going to play outside, make cookies, paint our pumpkins, etc. Im looking forward to all the memories we get to make before becoming a family of four!


  1. Praying for you, Ashley. Your honestly will go a long way in helping you two figure all this stuff out. Have you guys read "Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas? If not, you should... like yesterday. (-:


  2. We havent! Ill have to get it. Thanks Kathryn! :)
