Thursday, October 25, 2012

Any Time Now

I went to the doctor yesterday. I am at a 3 and 50% effaced! The midwife said she expected me to go into labor any time, and that she definitely didnt expect to see me for another appointment! I am so stinking excited, but ready to get this show on the road too. After she said I could potentially go into labor any time, I became SUPER impatient for Milly to get here. I have been having pretty regular contractions (without pain) which is how it started with Bennett, but this pregnancy is already different in the way my body has/is progressing. With Bennett, I was at a 1 and about 25% effaced when I went into labor. They kept me at the hospital when I had finally made it to a 3, so you can imagine Im wondering what in the world my body is doing this time! Knowing that we are really close to welcoming Milly into our family is super nervewracking though! I think we have everything planned/scheduled/arranged for our time in the hospital. Our sweet neighbors Kevin and Anna are going to keep Bennett until Kyle's parents and sister get here and then they are going to take over until its time for me to push and then they are coming up to the hospital. We have talked with the midwives about our labor plan (and I have one typed up,) our bags are packed, the car seat is in the car, the diaper bag is packed, bottles are sanitized just in case I decide to formula feed...everyone has been notified of the impending arrival of our little one and now we are just waiting.
Ive decided that I want Bennett to be the first person after me, Kyle and my mom to see Milly. I want him to be able to see her and I want to see him before we are bombarded with everyone else in the delivery room. Its just important to me that we get time together as a family before the rest of our family comes in. I cant wait to experience those sweet moments together. I think Im almost more nervous about spending so much time away from Bennett than I am about giving birth. He is STILL my baby even though we are bringing another little one into the family. That boy just has my heart like no one else. Among all the other things Im excited about, I cant wait to see Kyle with Milly. He is already silly about this little girl and she isnt even here yet. I can imagine the love that a daddy has for his little girl is like the love I have for my little boy. Now, Im not saying that I wont love Milly just as much as I love Bennett, and likewise for Kyle, but I think it will be a different, equal kind of love. (I guess we will see)

I have pictures from cookie decorating that I need to upload! I hope to get to it before Milly gets here, but if we (I) am lucky, my next post should be announcing her birth! Here's to hoping..

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