Monday, January 2, 2012

Simple Adjustments

Since it has been so long since I have been able to post, I feel some updates are necessary. Not long after my last post, Gas Drops, Bennett started feeling better thanks to some help from Nana Sherrie. We got to spend Christmas Eve with my grandma Alice, Kyle's family, and Christmas day with my parents, mimi and papa, aunt and uncle and then Christmas evening with Sherrie's side of the family. We were busy. We drove back to Ft. Worth the Monday after Christmas. Since arriving back, we have gotten to spend a lot of time together as a family which has been a huge blessing! Bennett really loves to have mommy and daddy home for him to play with. We finally got all our Christmas decorations put up, the last of Bennett's presents put together and gave the apartment a good cleaning. We are still waiting for Kyle to get a call back about a job at Quik Trip which is hard for me, but we know that our God will provide. Yesterday we tried out a new church, Southcliff Baptist and it was really great! I think Southcliff is definately on our list of places we would like to visit again before deciding on a church home. Also, we discovered today that Bennett has a tooth trying to poke through! Our baby is growing up too fast!
I would/do still appreciate everyone praying for us in this transition. Because of my personality and my need to have a plan, wating on the Lord to provide for us is really hard for me. If you could, please pray specifically for these things:

1. That Kyle and I will be able to trust in the Lord to provide for us in general.
2. That Kyle and I will be able to trust in the Lord for a job for him while we are here in Ft. Worth and while he is in Seminary.
3. That the Lord will provide friends for us here, and that I will find a mommy-friend to spend time with that has a child around the same age as Bennett.
4. That the Lord will call us to a church family quickly so we can get involved and meet new people.
5. That the Lord will keep his hand on Bennett as his first tooth is coming in, and He would ease his pain.
6. That the Lord will continue to work in our hearts and change us into people that will thrive in the ministry.
7. That the Lord will speak to us on a daily basis as we strive to spend time in His word daily.

Just some eye candy for ya! Look at that face! :)


  1. Sorry Ashley just got caught up on your post. Bennett is so stinkin cute. I will definitely be praying for you guys. Glad the holidays were better than you thought they would be. =)
    KayLynn is walking now and she has 6 teeth and another one coming in. Teething is such a hard process for them but she loved her bumblebee whenever she was getting her first teeth in. Glad to hear everything is going okay.

  2. Hey! Thank you, I think he is pretty cute myself :) I cant believe time has flown by so fast, it seems like just yesterday you had KayLynn and now she is walking and has 6 teeth! Bennett loves his bumblebee too! He chews on that thing all the time! I do hate having to see him in pain though. :(
