Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So Many Things, So Little Time

Where do I begin...
Bennett is crawling, he's crusing, he is eating table food 5 times a day (three meals, two snacks), he is completely off the bottle. I can't believe our little one is growing up so fast. My biological mother gave me some really great insight about raising children...she said "one day, you are going to look back and wish you could just have one second back, one day of cleaning up after Bennett all day long, one day of having to try and manage a teething baby.." Is it sad that I feel that way already? What I wouldnt give for one more day of cuddling Bennett all day long, one more night of waking up every two hours, just so he could be little again. Time goes so quickly when you have children.

Bennett playing at the park! He has gotten SO big!
For those of you who don't know (and I doubt there are many of you) Kyle and I are expecting our second child in November of this year. Our official due date is November 11, 2012. As of today, I am 15 weeks pregnant, and let me tell you, I feel every bit of 35 weeks pregnant! I forgot how much I hated the days when I felt like I had to explain to everyone "no, I havent just gained weight, Im pregnant." Im ready for the 25 week + mark where it is plain that Im pregnant and not just fat. On a happier note, we go in Thursday to find out the sex of #2. I wanted so badly to have a gender reveal party or something of the sort, but living so far away from our families has limited our possibilities. I think we will just call and tell everyone (and put it on Facebook) like we did with Bennett.

Kyle and I have both finished school for the summer. Kyle, his first semester and I have finally finished my bachelors degree. Overall, I can honestly say that last semester was the worst semester of my life! With Kyle working nights, sleeping during the day, having to go to class, having to do homework...my taking care of Bennett, taking care of the house, and studying for a final...It was a stressful few months. Top that off with being 51/2 hours from the nearest family and you get one stressed out momma! Im so glad that phase of my life is over and I can spend the next couple years just loving on my babies, playing with my babies, and not having to worry about school!

Another little nugget of news, Kyle has applied for a position at FBC Alma Arkansas, and has made the first round of cuts. We find out by May 30th whether they want to bring him in for an interview. So, we may be moving to Alma! However, if that is not where the Lord wants us, we are very serious about moving back to Oklahoma. There are many people in our lives who would like for us to stay here, but its just so hard being away from our family when we have a little one (and will soon have two.) Another great piece of advice from my biological mother: "We werent meant to raise our children away from everyone we love. Its hard raising babies, there is nothing wrong with needing your family." Kyle and I agree 100%. We want to raise our children where they will be in the presence of their family. We want to show them the importance of family, and the importance of being involved in the lives of those you love.

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