Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Morning Blog

Its 9:17am and its already been a long morning. I should probably wait to blog until Im a bit more coherent, but this will just have to work. Have I said that I love hazlenut coffee? I think its the highlight of my mornings (after seeing my hubby and my sweet baby boy's morning smile.) Hazlenut coffee is just so yummy.
I couldnt sleep again last night. I dont know whats wrong with me, I just cant sleep anymore. Ill have one night of really great sleep and then not sleep well for the next two nights. I think its because Kyle isnt here. These night shifts arent getting easier for either of us. We pray every night that the Lord will open up a door for Kyle to work somewhere else. (Isnt being so far away from our family hard enough without adding this night-time job as well??) I just want to be able to sleep. Next to my husband preferably.

11:00 church services are a blessing. I wish all churches would have 11:00 services. I feel like I have so much more time in the mornings when we dont have to be at church until 11. This morning, for instance, I got up at 6:45, started the roast for dinner, made scrambled eggs with canadian bacon and pepperjack cheese and mini cinnamon rolls, got Bennett up, fed him, played with him, put him down for his nap and cleaned the kitchen. I have been productive already! Mornings like this are great, when I, Im exhausted and its only 9:25. I could go back to bed right now and sleep for several hours...Im lazy!

Bennett is turning into such a strong-willed child. His personality is definately starting to shine through and its so funny (and partly annoying sometimes). He is a whiner!! When he doesnt get what he wants, he wont stop whining. Especially when he is on his tummy...he high-centers on his tummy, flails his arms and legs and whines. Its kinda funny. We think he is starting to cut teeth again too...His top gums are swollen and you can really see the outline of little teeth. Poor baby. I remember cutting my wisdom teeth...that was awful. Pray for Bennett...cutting teeth is painful.

Also, please pray for me, that Ill start sleeping well again. And pray that God opens a door for Kyle to work somewhere else. Bennett starts going to Mothers Day Out on campus this week too, just on Tuesdays. Pray he adjusts well and enjoys playing with other babies. Im worried about him.

1 comment:

  1. Ashley,
    I would like to tell you that the night job is easier to adjust to, but I feel like I would be lying to you. Stephen has been working nights since July 2011 and it's still hard for me to sleep at night. Same with my sister. Her fiancee works nights also and she has the same problem. I will definitely continue to pray for all of you.
    Just saw some pictures of your little man on Facebook. He is too stinkin' cute. Hope that he enjoys Mothers Day Out. We just started KayLynn in daycare last week and she loves being able to play with all the other babies and all the toys.
    I hope Kyle can find a job that he enjoys that would at least make things easier even if it is a night job. =)
