Friday, May 25, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

We found out yesterday that #2 is a girl. I can't even begin to express the happiness I felt when hearing the ultrasound tech's words "Well, I hope you wanted a girl!" We have decided to name her Harper Elaine. Harper, just because we liked it and Elaine after my mom, Lynnette.

All the thoughts and emotions that surround knowing we are having a girl are overwhelming. Bennett is going to have a little sister, I'm going to have a daughter (Lord help me), Kyle is going to have a daughter (Lord help him!) :) We are going to have to pay for a prom dress, a wedding...but even before that, we are going to have to train Bennett to keep the boys away from our little princess.

What a great opportunity, too. I will have the chance to teach Harper what it means to find her worth in the Lord. Kyle and I will hopefully be able to be an example of a godly relationship and a godly marriage, hopefully we will be able to show her what to look for in a husband by how we live out our marriage. I get the opportunity to teach her about real beauty and not world's version of beauty. I get to teach her how to dress fashionably, but modestly. Kyle will get to show her the kind of love she deserves, and the kind of love she should fight for in a husband. We will all get to show her what it means to be a family that follows the Lord and seeks his will and direction for our lives. I can't wait to begin teaching Harper what it means to be a woman that loves the Lord.

I know now that being a mother to a daughter will not be easy. If I had 20 sets of hands and feet I still wouldnt be able to count on them the amount of times I have fought with my mother, the number would far exceed the number of fingers and toes availiable. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I thought my mother had no idea what she was talking about, or how many times I thought she was just "too old fashioned." So again, as I think on being the mother of a teenage daughter, all I can think is "Lord help me!"

I'm so excited! I can't wait for her to be here. I can't wait to put huge bows on her head and dress her in pretty dresses, I can't wait to see how Bennett interacts with her, how Kyle loves on her. Its a whole new ballgame now...

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