Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A lot to say, a little time

WOW! It has been SO long since I have posted. Life has been a whirlwind in the past 4 months. It seems that after we brought Amelia home, life has been non-stop. We have officially given up our search to buy a home. We moved into the townhouses on campus (family housing). Bennett got sick with Croup. Milly got RSV. Kyle and I both got something as well. Kyle is mid-semester of his 3rd semester here at SWBTS. I am in the beginning of my second 8-week masters course in ED Tech. ( I made an A in my first one!!!) Bennett is now 19 months old! My first born, my baby boy is on his way to being TWO! It makes me cry every time I think about it. Time goes by so fast when you have babies. Milly is 1/3 of a year old.

Kyle has applied for a corporate position at QT again. The actual title is "Tax and License Analyst." Doesnt that sound fun? ;) As much as I do not want to move back to Oklahoma any time soon, (really, just Tulsa,) it would be nice to be around family. I have to say that I really, really like Fort Worth. It took me a while to get here, but its become our home. We had our baby girl here. Not to mention all the people we have met that we have come to know and love.

Ive recently chosen to try and steer our family towards a healthier, more active lifestyle. We made the decision to become Advocare distributers, and I think that had a lot to do with it. I also have become very concious of the things I am feeding my husband and babies. I want to serve them as much of a organic, non-gmo diet as we can possibly afford. It is important to me that we are putting good, wholesome things into our bodies.

Please be praying for us as we should know within a week or so whether or not Kyle will get an interview for this position. There will be a lot of different dynamics we will have to learn how to deal with when (and IF) we move back to OK. We hadnt been planning on moving back, so we havent been saving to move. I am also just particularly concerned on how relationships will change (for the good and the bad) if we move back. We are so used to being several hours away, and being really, on our own that I think moving back and being closer to family will be hard in some ways.

We want to make sure that we are following the Lords leading, and that if its time for us to move on, we will see that. We also want to make sure that we are doing what is best for our family and not what we think our extended family will want us to do. We know that its hard on everyone with us being so far away, but we also want to preserve the good relationships we do have, even if it means staying here.

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